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Download binary release for Linux systems.

Differences between GNU and MUSL editions are related to the libc version used by the binary. Unless special requirements, such as MUSL-only distributions like Alpine Linux, both editions should work on any environments.

Version 0.8.0

Debian packages

0.8.0amd64/x86_64GNU🧰 debx86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
0.8.0amd64/x86_64MUSL🧰 debx86_64-unknown-linux-musl
0.8.0i386/i686GNU🧰 debi686-unknown-linux-gnu
0.8.0i386/i686MUSL🧰 debi686-unknown-linux-musl
0.8.0arm64/aarch64MUSL🧰 debaarch64-unknown-linux-musl

Check SHA-256 hash of your downloaded file:


0.8.0amd64/x86_64GNU⚙️ shx86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
0.8.0amd64/x86_64MUSL⚙️ shx86_64-unknown-linux-musl
0.8.0i386/i686GNU⚙️ shi686-unknown-linux-gnu
0.8.0i386/i686MUSL⚙️ shi686-unknown-linux-musl
0.8.0arm64/aarch64MUSL⚙️ shaarch64-unknown-linux-musl

Check SHA-256 hash of your downloaded file: 📃 SHA256SUMS.
Execute the shell script to install Mélodium on your system.

Executable files

0.8.0amd64/x86_64GNU📦 tar.gzx86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
0.8.0amd64/x86_64MUSL📦 tar.gzx86_64-unknown-linux-musl
0.8.0i386/i686GNU📦 tar.gzi686-unknown-linux-gnu
0.8.0i386/i686MUSL📦 tar.gzi686-unknown-linux-musl
0.8.0arm64/aarch64MUSL📦 tar.gzaarch64-unknown-linux-musl

Check SHA-256 hash of your downloaded file: 📃 SHA256SUMS.
To install Mélodium system-wide, move the melodium file to /usr/local/bin.

Other versions

For other Mélodium versions, refer to the Mélodium repository that contains all the available precompiled versions of Mélodium.

For other architecture and options, please see the Build section.