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Download binary releases for Microsoft Windows systems.

Difference between MSVC and GNU compilers is mainly technical and both are provided for universality reasons. Unless special requirement, both editions should work on any environments.

Version 0.8.0


0.8.064 bitsGNU⚙️ msix86_64-pc-windows-gnu
0.8.064 bitsMSVC⚙️ msix86_64-pc-windows-msvc
0.8.032 bitsGNU⚙️ msii686-pc-windows-gnu
0.8.032 bitsMSVC⚙️ msii686-pc-windows-msvc
0.8.0ARM 64MSVC⚙️ msiaarch64-pc-windows-msvc

Check SHA-256 hash of your downloaded file: 📃 SHA256SUMS

Executable files

0.8.064 bitsGNU📦 zipx86_64-pc-windows-gnu
0.8.064 bitsMSVC📦 zipx86_64-pc-windows-msvc
0.8.032 bitsGNU📦 zipi686-pc-windows-gnu
0.8.032 bitsMSVC📦 zipi686-pc-windows-msvc
0.8.0ARM 64MSVC📦 zipaarch64-pc-windows-msvc

Check SHA-256 hash of your downloaded file: 📃 SHA256SUMS

Other versions

For other Mélodium versions, refer to the Mélodium repository that contains all the available precompiled versions of Mélodium.

For other system architecture and options, please see the Build section.